Ideas for effective business expo promotions

Promotions, competitions and giveaways can create a real buzz around your business expo stand, both in the real world and online. However, it’s important to put thought into your promo so it works for your business and isn’t just a gimmick.

In this blog, we look at how to plan promos and pass on some ideas that work too!


What are hybrid events and how does Get Ahead support them?

A hybrid conference or meeting is one which is held both in person and virtually. More conference organisers are choosing this approach since the pandemic showed us all the possibilities of remote and hybrid working. Get Ahead have been offering Zoom services since the 2020 lockdown, continually refining our approaches to provide a streamlined service and successful outcomes.

Let’s take a closer look….


What are the advantages of working with a virtual PA?

As outsourcing experts and flexibility champions, the team at Get Ahead can see many reasons why delegating admin to a virtual PA (also known as a virtual assistant) is great for your business. It’s worth noting that we outsource our admin to our own remote team, doing just what we recommend to our clients and reaping the same benefits.

Here are the top reasons working with a VA is an efficient solution for your business.


Five top tips to stay on top of business admin

One of the headaches of running your own business is staying on top of the admin. However, it’s not as big as the headache you find yourself with when you can’t find a vital file or you’re late with your tax return. Admin may not feel as important as your core business, but it still has to be done.

Here are our five top tips for staying on top of business admin:


Five social media ideas for spring

Spring is sprung! Just seeing the daffodils come up makes us all feel better, even if the clouds can’t decide whether to come or go. If you run a business, why not tap into the energy of springtime and shake up your social media?

Our social media managers shared five of their favourite ideas:


Five spring cleaning jobs for small businesses

There’s nothing quite like a good clear out. When we’ve tidied our files and done some general business housekeeping, we all feel better and work more efficiently. We can easily find what we need – every computer file is in the right folder and all the pens in the pen pot work!

Spring cleaning is easier if we break it down into manageable chunks. Here are five separate areas to approach when we’re spring cleaning our businesses:


E-books and toolkits – content creation for coaches and small businesses

Regular followers of Get Ahead’s updates may have noticed that we’ve been diversifying our content recently. The team has collaborated to write and design two e-books, while our founder, Rebecca Newenham, has written her own book on franchising and flexibility, called Virtually Yours.

We’ve created the books not only because we have information to share, but also to showcase the skills and experience of our copywriters and graphic designers. We’ve noticed that e-book experience is in increasing demand, as more clients decide to make their knowledge available to their own business family.


Sole traders and business coaches benefit from Get Ahead’s support

You’ve fulfilled your dream of working for yourself and being your own boss. This is great news – we’re thrilled for you! But we also know that working alone can be tough. This applies to people in many professions, but particularly business coaches and life coaches, who give so much support to others that they sometimes neglect their own businesses.

In this blog, we look at ways to make working for yourself as fruitful and efficient as your business deserves.


Business leadership in a covid world – it’s time to practice acceptance

However you feel about it, coronavirus is here to stay. People in nearly every country are living with the realities, threats and opportunities covid brings with it. For businesses, many temporary changes we implemented in 2020 now need to become permanent. Complaining about the impact of covid isn’t an option – it’s time to get on with it, flex where we can and open our eyes to the benefits of a different way of working.

In this blog, we look at how we can learn to accept the realities of business in a covid world.
